Sunday, April 29, 2018


Textured Greece

Materials: Paper, Blue Ink, Styrofoam


For this project I took my memory from Greece when I went there 2 summers ago. The materials I chose were distinctly from the textures that I remember from Greece. The blue paint was from the blue water, buildings, and rooftops. The white styrofoam covered in white was a representation of the white cement walls. I found this momento project to be really interesting because it helped me bring back so many memories from this trip that were so personal.

Process Work

Finished Photos

On-longing Images & Statement

"The body is the primary mode of perceiving scale."

This is a picture from when I went to Greece two summers ago! This was a moment in my life where I was truly astonished by the size of not only the Parthenon but the entire Acropolis Hill. It was truly breath taking. I can still imagine the climate and smell of this moment. 

"Capacity of objects to serve as traces of authentic experience."

Traveling is truly so amazing in so many ways. It teaches you about yourself, your surroundings and makes you so much smarter. The authentic experience of every destination is something so unique to everyone. 


Floating Architecture Assignment

Miami Modern Deco

2 feetX1.5ft1ft

White Gesso, Cardboard, White Paper, White Twine

For this project I decided to use White Gesso, Cardboard, White Paper, White Twine. I cut out the same shape and used rectangles to get the curved pieces to come together. For the details in the cardboard I used curves, and triangle to represent the Art Deco. For the modern aspect of it I put them all together and kept some parts angular.

Visual Research/Source Images:

Soap Carving

Bear Soap Carving

Bar Soap, Carving Tools

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Balsa Wood Project

In Process Work:

My goal was to create something that was geometric and innovative. My sketches were filled with shapes like triangles and pyramids . 



Sculpture 2: Balsa Wood, Pins, Tape

Dimensions: 4 X 8 X 6 

For my balsa wood project I wanted to stick with the triangle them. I used sand paper to curve the edges of some of my triangles. I used pins to connect them. I also cute out little rectangles to allow for them to be woven into each other. My goal was to have something that looked innovative and geometric. 



Sculpture 1: Paper, Black Tape

 Dimensions: 6 X 6 X 6

For my paper structure I wanted to create something that was all the same size and could connect easily. I use a ruler to create a triangle with all the same sized sides. This allowed for everything the meet perfectly at a point. I then used my Xacto knife and cut out different patterned shapes on each triangle. I then used black tape to connect all the sides together. With my left over paper I created a foldable stand for my triangular pyramid to sit within. 

Masking Tape Shoes

Masking Tape Shoes- Brittany Farley

Title: Verse-Con

Dimensions: 9.2 in X 3 in X 5 in

Materials: Masking Tape, Sharpie, Xacto Knife



3D to 2D

For this project I decide to use my balsa wood project. I think the balsa was a good representation of innovations. With that, I chose to make an event poster that could be used for the next innovation event. I believe my poster has really good information and translates whats taking place well. I put 
the color red inside the manipulation because red is a color that stands will against balsa wood. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Identity Portrait

At least one in process photo.                1 pt.                                                                            


Materials: Clear Saran-wrap and red ink

Dimensions: 36in X 12in

For this piece I created, I decided to use 2 simple material which was clear saran-wrap and red ink. I built a saran-wrap installation  around the post of the front of a house almost as a shield. This clear shield represents anxiety to me. Personally, I struggle daily with anxiety. Anxiety is something that not everyone deals with or understands. The red ink was used because red represents courage, sacrifice, danger. The images shot are a representation of feeling stuck at home because I don't like to leave my home often with anxiety. My hands pushing against it is the action of feeling trapped/stuck by a clear shield that not many people understand.

For the details in each picture I decided to use this filter on them to indicate the dull colors, and make the hands the main focus of this piece. I chose to sit down in the picture to show weakness. I left my hair covering my face to also use it as a barrier to not see how I am expressing my feelings. 


Monday, March 5, 2018

On Longing Assignment

"The body is the primary mode of perceiving scale."

This is a picture from when I went to Greece two summers ago! This was a moment in my life where I was truly astonished by the size of not only the Parthenon but the entire Acropolis Hill. It was truly breath taking. I can still imagine the climate and smell of this moment. 

"Capacity of objects to serve as traces of authentic experience."

Traveling is truly so amazing in so many ways. It teaches you about yourself, your surroundings and makes you so much smarter. The authentic experience of every destination is something so unique to everyone. 

"The souvenir releases the public, the monumental, and the three-dimensional into the miniature, that which can be enveloped by the body."

My graduation cap is something that is souvenir of my life ALWAYS. This cap means completion of all the hardships. I struggled on the inside in high school and nobody knew that. Yet the college on the cap isn't where I am now it is still a part of my story that is still being written. 

"To have a souvenir of the exotic is to possess both a specimen body and a trophy."

This is the picture from the day I moved from Florida to NYC. With 3 suitcases, myself, no parents.... it truly shook me. Culture shock is an understatement. The exotic culture and city that will eat you alive with teach you to find yourself from within and force you to grow.

"...the nostalgic input of the handmade in a "plastic world"."

This plastic pumpkin we had to draw using pastels was the first time in my art career that a professor was proud of my work. I was also proud of myself for the first time. Something that was so easy for me because something that people enjoyed. It was an amazing feeling.