Monday, March 5, 2018

On Longing Assignment

"The body is the primary mode of perceiving scale."

This is a picture from when I went to Greece two summers ago! This was a moment in my life where I was truly astonished by the size of not only the Parthenon but the entire Acropolis Hill. It was truly breath taking. I can still imagine the climate and smell of this moment. 

"Capacity of objects to serve as traces of authentic experience."

Traveling is truly so amazing in so many ways. It teaches you about yourself, your surroundings and makes you so much smarter. The authentic experience of every destination is something so unique to everyone. 

"The souvenir releases the public, the monumental, and the three-dimensional into the miniature, that which can be enveloped by the body."

My graduation cap is something that is souvenir of my life ALWAYS. This cap means completion of all the hardships. I struggled on the inside in high school and nobody knew that. Yet the college on the cap isn't where I am now it is still a part of my story that is still being written. 

"To have a souvenir of the exotic is to possess both a specimen body and a trophy."

This is the picture from the day I moved from Florida to NYC. With 3 suitcases, myself, no parents.... it truly shook me. Culture shock is an understatement. The exotic culture and city that will eat you alive with teach you to find yourself from within and force you to grow.

"...the nostalgic input of the handmade in a "plastic world"."

This plastic pumpkin we had to draw using pastels was the first time in my art career that a professor was proud of my work. I was also proud of myself for the first time. Something that was so easy for me because something that people enjoyed. It was an amazing feeling. 

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